About Us
Our History
The ministerial staffs and congregations of seven Stillwater churches began in 1995 to develop a pastoral counseling center to meet the growing need for affordable therapy in the community. Initially the center was affiliated with the Samaritan Institute, a national training and organizing service for counseling.
After becoming independent of Samaritan, SIFCC was further developed to employ two licensed professional counselors who offered part-time services to all who requested them out of a small cottage provided at no cost.
At the end of 2008, SIFCC moved to a renovated building that is specifically set up for mental health services, centrally located in Stillwater and is handicap accessible.
In June of 2013, SIFCC moved to a beautiful office building located at 811 W Elm Ave.
Through developing relationships with United Way, Elite Repeat, many of the local churches, and grant opportunities, SlFCC is able to provide a sliding scale fee services. This allows people who are unable to afford the full price of therapy to still be seen off of what the house hold currently makes. This service is available for all types of care that SlFCC provides.
Community Partnerships
Several faith communities in Stillwater provide some financial support to SIfCC. Many individual donors make annual contributions. The Counseling Center has received other small grants and United Way funding since 2008.

Our Counselors would like to give a big thanks to our retired board members:
Kelsey Lee
Colin Mason
Denise Strickland
Nancy Fried
Dr. Lee Bird
Mia Owens
Stacy Leming
We appreciate our current board members and all that they do:
Jeffery Corbett
Jennie Wade
Jennifer Sutherland
Lori Looney, RN
Tana Del Prete, LPC
Pamela Murphy, MS
Dr. Andrew Waller
Missy McCollom Sorrentino
Rector Michael Matkin
How Can you Help?
You can share in the mission of Stillwater Interfaith Counseling Center by becoming a financial contributor. All donations go to the general operating budget to provide quality counseling to people who would not be able to afford it otherwise. All contributions are tax-deductible.